Polari Pictures is a New York-based production company founded by documentary filmmaker Matt Wolf

The company produces feature-length, multi-part, and short documentary films.

Polari’s latest film The Stroll is the story of New York’s Meatpacking District from the point of view of transgender sex workers who lived and worked there. The film won the Special Jury Prize for Clarity of Vision at Sundance, and is streaming on HBO. 

Polari was a form of slang used in England by actors, circus and fairground showmen, wrestlers, sailors, criminals, sex workers, and most popularly with queer people to hide conversations from undercover cops and hostile outsiders.

Polari Pictures is committed to uncovering forgotten or hidden histories, and telling the stories of fascinating and iconic individuals for contemporary audiences.

For more information about our work, visit mattwolf.info. Contact: office@mattwolf.info